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Prevention Resources


Research and Information on ACEs:  Adverse Childhood Experiences


Sexual Abuse and Assault Assistance: 
National Sexual Assault Hotline

Hours: Available 24 hours 



Navigating Child Sexual Abuse: A Resource for Survivors and Their Loved Ones: A resource for traumatic  experiences that leaves physical and psychological impacts on a child’s life. Read about how to get help and find resources for navigating sexual abuse. 

RAINN: This is a great resource for those struggling with impacts of sexual abuse and violence used against them.


Peace Over Violence: This organization's mission statement reads: Building healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence.

Darkness to Light (D2L): Another great organization doing prevention work around sexual abuse and assault. A lot of the stats were referenced from their website.


1in6: This organization works to promote and heal men and boys who have endured sexual abuse

Prevention Tools

Stop It Now!: They have guidelines for reporting (this was also included in the Stats section) but here is the direct link to this page: Reporting Guidelines & Stop It Now! Prevention Tools

The Stop It Now! folks also provide hotlines and chat options for people with questions:
The Helpline strives to provide support, guidance and information to adults who wish to speak confidentially with our Helpline staff. We are open Monday through Friday from 12pm to 6pm EST. The Helpline is closed for standard US business holidays. 
Call the Helpline (1.888.PREVENT)

STOP SV (CDC program): This is the specific program studied and referenced regarding ways to prevent sexual violence in youth.


Juvenile Justice: This is a website for juvenile justice, and gives all the examples of prevention programs through the juvenile system.


A Call to Men: This organization works with men and boys to recreate healthy relationships and work on non-violent measures in manhood. 


Hazelden Youth Prevention Programs & Safe Dates Program: Youth Sexual Prevention Programs


Thorn This company is an innovative technology nonprofit, that creates products and programs that combat child sexual abuse at scale.

Resources on Internet Prevention:

Video on Stoping Sextorntion

Thorn’s Youth Resources Page

Thorn’s Parent Resource Page This organization has information on safety around digital abuse and non-consensual digital images

Addressing Intimate Image Base Abuse

Digital Safety in different languages also works with The Tech Savvy Parent to give parents tools for online safety

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This website content & all services are created and conducted on the unceded stolen land of the Council of the Three Fires: Bodwewadmi (Potawatomi), Odawa, and Ojibwe Tribes. This area also includes Myaamia, Hoocak (Ho-Chunk), and Kiikaapoi tribes that call this land home. All information obtained through Native-Land

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